
Em, eye, ess, ess, eye, ess, ess, eye, pee, pee, eye

Yes. That's Mississippi. This past weekend I went to Gulfport. It was the weekend of the big dance recital for T.'s girls and the birth day of the eldest.

After the dress rehearsal, I drug everyone to the beach to take photos of the coming thunderstorms. T. does not like the beach, so I'm glad I was driving.

The dance recital was what it was. There are few times when I feel urbane, this was one of them. There is a different style to the MS gulf coast, a style where plastic flip flops are okay to wear to your child's big dance recital.

There were three pieces in the recital that made me uncomfortable. The first was the opener and it was a routine by the older students (looked to be 16 years+) and they were dressed in these ankle length, white, ruffle-y dresses that simultaneously reminded me of choir robes and prairie settler dresses. The backdrop was a light painting of a cross and two church windows. Mmm hmm.

The second routine to discomfit me was indeed disturbing. The littlest kids - 2ish years old - were on stage with their Dads "dancing" to the Wedding Chapel song (you know it - sing: going to the chapel and we're gonna get married) dressed in stylized wedding dresses. Creepy. Pervy, really.

The third piece to set my teeth on edge was danced, again by the older girls, to a Jesus is My Lord God Almighty sort of contemporary song.

The dance school isn't affiliated with a church, so the big G references threw me. I don't think it would have bothered me so much if all of the music wasn't quite so headache inducing. I mean, one of the dances was to a Michael Jackson song about how we're killing the planet (think a chorus of screams a la Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song, only not cool).

After the recital we went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Biloxi. Yes. The Hard Rock Cafe in the Hard Rock Casino. Bright lights, loud noises. The girls loved it, so we were good. It was, for me, simply an experience in good company.

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