I have finally uploaded my photos to Flickr from my most recent visit to Texas.
Here's one... Dallas and granite cows.

E. and I were driving about and stopped at this little park off Sylvan Road. Upon pulling into our parking space, I informed her that I had to take pictures of the granite cows. Only in Texas.
That evening we went to see a play. It was a surreal play that I, after reflection, believe I enjoyed. At the moment of experience, it was a little jarring. Afterwards it was sushi at Sushiyama with E, S, and friends of S. Interesting conversation - S., an artist, E. a writer, a playwrite, an actor, a grad student studying martial arts, his wife, a videographer, and an IT geek. Yes. I was a touch out of my element, but hey, I can keep quiet when I need to...
Across the street from the theater was this random shot I like:

Saturday I met up with T. and the bunch in Willow Park. We had a nice day.
Sunday was NASCAR day. Up at 7:30, spackled on the SPF 70 sunscreen on all potentially exposed skin. Left the house around left house at 9:15 and stopped at McDonald's for coffee and an egg mcmuffin. Cooooofffffeeee. It was frickin' cold. Cold and windy. The weather forecast had been for warm weather, so I'd brought summer clothes - the best in which to sit in the sun all day I thought. Luckily, one of these items was a pair of pants with zip-off legs.
The track is in the middle of a vast region of Texas flatness. Nothing to break the wind but a few buildings and the sea of RV trailers. The wind continued fierce and cold all day. Things were straining to break free and fly to Oklahoma. To make a sandwich, the bread was held by one person as another added everything to make a sandwich. The wind caught the stream of mustard and throughout the day I found mustard in strange places on my jacket.

Our seats were on the back stretch and the stands were wonderfully full, unlike Atlanta. Our seats were low, row 7. I'd say less than 10 yards from the cars. Pros: noise, rubber bits flying, close to the cars. Cons: noise, rubber bits flying, close to the cars. We could only see 1/4 of the track well... next time I think we'll have to get higher seats because not being able to follow the cars around the track gets kind of boring. Yes, Mom, I know you can only imagine. That being said, it was a good spot to take photos:

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