
Peace Corps application process - as I understand it

The Peace Corps Volunteer application process is a long one. First, you complete an application online with two essays and a medical questionnaire. You must submit the names and contact information of three recommenders. Once the application is complete and the three recommendations are in, you are invited to an interview. If you are seen as a good candidate for a position, the recruiter can nominate you on the spot. The nomination is for a general region and a tentative travel month.

The recruiter then forwards your nomination, along with supplemental documentation and notes from your interview, to the PC office in DC for initial processing by the medical office folks. They send you a packet of medical and dental forms that must be completed by your doctors and submitted along with x-rays, test results, etc. Once your medical clearance comes through, you are in the running for an invitation to serve. An invitation to serve is not guaranteed at this point.

The completed file is forwarded to a placement officer who then gives everything the final once over and conducts a suitability review; checking your background, interview notes, skills, and available positions for a match. If there is a match, you are sent an invitation including information about your specific position, country and departure date.

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