
Rod Stewart is still fantastic

For her birthday, I bought my mom (and myself) tickets to the Rod Stewart show last week. I bought lawn seats because, as wonderful as we think the Mr. Stewart, those seats were too expensive. We were in line to purchase a beverage and were apprached by a venue agent. Would we like an upgrade to a seat? Why, certainly. They were decent seats, too, even above and beyond their being a free upgrade.

The first 20 mintues of this show were the best ever. I do not say this lightly. I've been fortunate to see most of the (existent) bands that I adore, but this was the tops. Just the first 20 minutes. The entire show was fantastic, but the first 20 minutes were imbued with all the anticipation from waiting for months and months, then watching the stage set up, the universal excitement of the crowd, perfect weather, the nicety of not having to sit on the grass, and the evening spent with my mom seeing a show we both were thrilled to see. I suppose you could say I was primed to love it. As soon as the houselights went down, I popped out of my seat with my hands in the air, screaming. Pure Pavlovian.

I cannot remember the set list, but I do remember that the first songs were my favorites. The entire show was of favorites - I think the tour's called the Greatest Hits...

Here's a shot from later in the show... he's wearing silver leather pants. Yes. Silver leather pants.

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