
Happy Month

Yeah, so. December 1st arrives and I've not met a number of my goals for the month of November. I am feeling pretty good. Could be because the nasty cold that started Wednesday morning has lifted, leaving me with only disgustingly productive sneezes.

I did not hit 50,000 words in my Nanowrimo effort, but I did reach almost 13,000 and this is enough for me. Enough to know that I still like my story. I am still thinking about the characters and the plot and am still writing things down whenever the idea seems worthy. Maybe 300-500 words a day. I, as you know, am not a novelist and have no plans to earn a living by this. I am simply grateful that I can write without hearing the muses mocking laughter.

Other goals - diet and exercise. I have not so much fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon as stepped down, removed the wheels and used them for firewood. I need find new wheels. Motivation is not my problem; as always, it is laziness leading to a failure to execute my grand plan. The same with craft projects and books. My space is littered with all the fixin's needed to make lovely cloth covered pencil cases, refrigerator magnets, blankets, quilts, paint by number pictures, stacks of books too compelling not to purchase.

Another goal yet un-accomplished is to rid my space of all this stuff I haven't, and likely won't, use. Easier said than done. There is something powerful about the "what if". Something powerful which must be overcome, I think. Just because it seemed like a good idea at the time...

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