Alzheimer's Walk Saturday morning was cold and a bit too loosely organized, but a good time was had for a worthy cause. My parents, my aunt, my sister/binlaw and the kidlets came. Also, a friend from work showed up randomly... she and I walked together at a much faster pace.
Saturday evening I was privileged to see Fran Healy and Andy Dunlop (of Travis). They're traveling across the U.S. doing an "evening with" show where Fran talks about the songs and their origins; there is a slide show and, of course, wonderful music. I could have wished for a bit more of Andy's guitar playing, but I'm not complaining. A treasured experience.
After the show we queued to buy merchandise - along with most everyone who attended. One of the two crew guys on the tour (the sound tech, I think) was selling the merch while Fran and Andy stood at a table signing everyone's stuff and taking pictures. They are so gracious! The sound guy, too. We waited just over an hour and there were still as many people behind as had been in front of us. Just at the end of the line the crew guy (I wish I knew his name so I could pretend to be all personal with him, too) was chatting with us. Friendly, good natured about the whole thing. He even apologized about it taking so long!
When we got to the table the guys shook our hands and asked our names - and spellings! - for signing our CDs. Fran also complimented H.'s hair. They asked us if we wanted to take a picture. They seem genuinely surprised that Travis are so genuinely loved here. Bless S. for documenting every concert he attends for we had a camera with us and the next person in line took the picture. She took a second one at Fran's urging, to make certain it turned out well. It did. H., S., and I have a radioactive glow of delight (no, that's not just the flash). Pictures taken, encounter to be over and Fran and Andy made a point of shaking our hands again. I thought H. might pass out on the spot, but her lungs kept moving air and all was well.
I have to say that Fran Healy and Andy Dunlop are two of the most gracious artists I've met.
I also must say I was proud to be a member of that Atlanta audience. There was one point in the show where Fran asked the audience not to film or take pictures because he was going to put up a private picture, a picture of his son. As far as I could see (and I was able to see most of the audience from my spot in front of the sound booth), this request was respected.
Here we are:

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