
webcomics galore

The first weekend in June, I am considering (trying to figure out how manage) going to Charlotteto attend a day of HeroesCon (a comic convention put on by the shop Heroes Aren't Hard To Find). Five of the eight webcomic artists I follow will be there. I have a major crush on the wit and talent of these folks, if not their actual persons. It will be fun (crossed fingers) to see what they might be like, however briefly, in person. Here are some links in case you'd like to see what I'm a little nuts over.

In no particular order...

Chris Hastings, Dr. McNinja. Note: this is not the beginning, but is quite a fabulous introduction. Judy is Dr. McNinja's receptionist.

David Malki, Wondermark

Anthony Clark, Nedroid... This strip is good, but this strip is also good.

Ryan North, Dinosaur Comics

Kate Beaton, Hark, A Vagrant!

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