
nanowrimo approaches...

Four days more until it is time to write. About half of my plot outlined (the fun filler part, but little of the hefty plot-moving stuff - always my problem with these things). I am happy to say my main characters have arrived (Mariah, Eli, John, Avery, Marie, and one who is still Neighbor Lady but will have a good, solid name soon. I hope. I have one story where the housekeeper's name has been Mrs. Housekeeper for about two years). Other important bits of storyline have come along as well - my location (near Oglethorpe, GA), time frame (mid-1864 to late-1865), and a number of deaths (by illness, by violence and one born of grief).

The possibilities are exciting. What will come out of my pen? Yes, I am going write longhand at home and, when time and workload allows, use the computer at that place I go every weekday.

The lack of a complete-ishness in my plot outline concerns me. My hopes were pinned on the outline as what would propel me to the 50,000 word mark by November 30th. Then again, my best papers in college were written in segments and then assembled under acute deadline pressure. Hopefully, whatever I come up with now, will be enough to keep me moving three weeks from now.

I will, of course, keep you erratically posted.

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