
random thoughs...

The fates are conspiring to remind me that I am no longer in my 20s. At work the other day, I noticed a grey hair. Okay, no big deal, I'll snip it out when I get home. That night at home, I'm standing in the brightly lit bathroom, brushing my hair this way and that. I find the offending hair, snip it out and catch sight of another, and another, and another. I stopped snipping. Here's hoping I take after my grandmother - all over salt and pepper.

Yesterday I was listening to a CD and it occurred to me that I have been listening to this album since its release 20 years ago. This blew my mind. I do listen to (and need to listen to) new music, but there are favorites to which I return. For more than 20 years in a few cases. This may not seem like such a great revelation to you, but it put things into perspective for me. Especially because this isn't music I heard on the radio as a kid - would all who had a crush on Michael Jackson circa Thriller please raise their hand - but music chosen as an aware being looking for something different.

Alas, no more clinging to the idea that I'll reach my health goals and will fit the image I have secreted away in the back of my mind. I shall have to let that image go. I may obtain the hot bod (may), but I'll not be young and hot. No, stop. I can hear you now. No, I am not saying that I'm old, as "old" is mostly in the mind. I am saying that I am past the optimistic, shiny age. I am an adult of Mom-age headed towards Grandma-age.


Yesterday I went with my Dad to see Star Trek. I loved it! LOVED it. In the same way I loved the recent Speed Racer. Take the old beloved and give it a nice acid wash. It made me laugh each time a catch phrase came up. I hope I was supposed to laugh, I think I was. I don't think I would have enjoyed the movie if it took itself seriously.

Simon Pegg as Scotty was inspired. I love both the actor and the character, so it was a Reeses moment. My only complaint was the score. So loud, so present it was a character in it's own right; that may have been intentional, but I was annoyed by the obviousness of it. Still, I can't wait for the next one.

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